Unable to attach aspect WcmRulesTemplate or WcmContentTemplate
Created: 20 April 2010 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
Run the following to attach rules to the rules files.
update dm_document OBJECTS append r_aspect_name='WcmRulesTemplate' where not any r_aspect_name='WcmRulesTemplate' and folder('/WebPublisher Configuration/Supporting Templates/Editor Rules',descend) and r_lock_owner is NULLSTRING
Run the following to attach then content rules to the content templates
update dm_document OBJECTS append r_aspect_name='WcmContentTemplate' where not any r_aspect_name='WcmContentTemplate' and folder('/WebPublisher Configuration/Content Templates',descend) and r_lock_owner is NULLSTRING
Run the following the attach the content aspect to the content files.
update dm_document OBJECTS append r_aspect_name='WcmContent' where not any r_aspect_name='WcmContent' and folder('/WCM',descend) and r_lock_owner is NULLSTRING