How to export display
Created: 7 March 2008 Modified:Originally published on website.
Modify or disable the firewall to allow tcp port 6000 by going into YaST and selecting Security & Users–>Firewall.
As the root user edit /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager and change the following two lines to “yes”:
As the root user run”SuSEconfig” from a terminal window. This will pick up the changes made to the displaymanger file.
Reboot the system for the X server to come up with the new settings.
Provide access for other systems to use this display using the “xhost” command. See”man xhost” for details. To give access to anyone you can run”xhost +”. Be sure to do this as the user that is logged into the GUI desktop. This is not permanent. When you logout this setting is lost. For permanent settings you will need to modify /etc/X0.hosts (for display 0). See the man page for more details.
On the system that will run the application:
Some applications give you an option to indicate the display such as xterm or xeyes. To test with xeyes run the command “xeyes -display :0.0”. Of course replace with the IP address or hostname of the system setup to display the application.
For applications that do not allow the display designation you will need to modify the DISPLAY environment variable before executing the command. From a terminal do the following (xeyes will be used for the example):
export DISPLAY=:0.0
The DISPLAY setting is only for this terminal window and will not effect any other application. The setting is lost as soon as the terminal is closed.
tags: blog - old blog - Unix