Perl, IE and Drupal Taxonomy
Created: 14 December 2005 Modified:Originally published on website.
Well automating IE using Perl has slowed down somewhat. The powers that be have decided that Quick Test Pro is the way to go. I have to admit it has some nice features. One thing I really don’t like about it is that it seems tied to its GUI. Well still plan on moving forward with automating IE with Perl but its going to have to slow down a bit. Plus I have some concerns about the Drupal CMS. I haven’t decided whether or not to “fix” drupal with a module or to build my own using Perl or possibly ASP.NET. The flexible category system is cool but limited. For example if you have categories Tips, Articles and Perl. You can have both tips and articles in the Perl category. However if you set up two parents for Perl such as
Tips ------- |--Perl Articles ---
You would get two navigation paths Tips->Perl and Articles->Perl. The problem is that both Tips and and Articles would appear on the list. Possibly creating new node types may correct this problem. I prefer the idea of creating two families of categories “categories” and “topics”. Categories would be general description of the structure/format of the information. Examples would be Tip, Article, FAQ etc… Topics would be the focus of the article such as Documentum, Perl, ASP etc…
tags: blog - old blog - News