This site is Up!

Created: 28 November 2005  Modified:

Originally published on website.

I finally got a website up and started thanks to the Drupal open source project. I am going to use it to archive useful source code, coding tips and whatever else tickles my fancy. I put in the lyrics to 22 Beatles songs as I’m starting up:) They rock! I’ve got several side projects going including a CMS project using C#. Also a testing framework using Perl and Internet Explorer Automation. This is due in very large part to Samie. Henry has some cool stuff going on with that project. I’m also dipping my toe in the water with Ruby. Additionally I’m looking at using Perl along with Ant and Nant to deploy applications. My work days are spent butting heads with EMC/Documentum products. I have placed some Documentum Tips on the site already and you can expect more to follow.

tags: blog - old blog - News
   Memory is Fleeting