Enhance-athon Day 45-46
Created: 28 February 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
I am back from my hiatus and will be continuing the enhance-athon. There will be a few changes though. I am becoming bored working with Ruby. So I am going to replace Ruby in my regimen with a Family Genealogy project.
I am now reading a new book for the SCWCD exam published by Manning. It is covering similar material but in a more compact form. The Head First book is definitely better for those who don’t already have an understanding of web technologies. I am now covering HTTP protocol and the lifecycle of Servlets.
I am converting another Perl library to Ruby. The ConfigFile class is used to handle simple config files. Very simple to write in Ruby. I am not quite finished with its unit test. Once I complete that I will set aside Ruby. I will undoubtedly pick it up once again in the future.
I am broadening by range in guitar chords. G, C, D, E, F and A are now all in my practice regiment. It is maddening to feel so clumsy in the fretting. Having already seen some improvement I am persevering and figure in two years I’ll be an “ok” guitar player.
tags: blog - old blog - News