Enhance-athon Day 43
Created: 19 February 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
Web component study consisted of a brief overview of Struts. Struts is not in the certification exam. The authors just thought it was a good tool. I have used Struts before but I can’t say I was a huge fan. I finished the design patterns chapter and this also concluded the book! This gives me fifty plus days to study and get ready for the exam. Starting tommorrow I will start making flash cards starting from the beginning.
I completed my Recursive class and also its unit test today. I’m sold on unit testing; but it definitely takes up more time. Of course in the long run it will probably save time. More importantly than that though is that it gives peace of mind. You “know” your code is working.
Still more practice on the “C” chord. It is proving quite a challenge. I’m going to start trying to “visualize” like they teach professional athletes.
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