Enhance-athon Day 35

Created: 10 February 2007  Modified:

Originally published on chrislynch.info website.

Thought I would mention a get together I had today with some friends and fellow coders. In alphabetical order Geoff, Jason and Wes. I always get jazzed up after sitting and talking programming and technology with these guys. I will take a moment to remind myself to read “Joel on Software” and some stuff by Bruce Tate. While at the coffee shop we met Michael Paynter from Tier 3 Technologies who is doing some really cool stuff with WAN optimization. That is to say he is getting more information from point A to point B on the WAN. The only bad thing about these get togethers is that there usually isn’t enough time too discuss everything.

I took another end of chapter test today and scored pretty low. Mostly on stuff that I don’t remember being covered. What I knew I had down pretty cold. Most of the ones I missed were a complete blank. I either skipped them or it wasn’t covered. Tommorrow I going to go back and review the material I’ve covered so far.

While waiting for the other fellows to get to the coffee shop I studied my Ruby book. I reread about RDoc and ri. Ruby GEMS was also an interesting topic. It is obviously a topic that I would need to experiment with. Also I looked at CGI and Ruby. Nothing particulary exciting in this area. Pretty much the same as PERL.

More guitar practice today. Only thing different is I’m trying to de-synchronize my right and left hands. This is incredibly difficult. Similar too patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time.

tags: blog - old blog - News
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