Enhance-athon Day 33
Created: 9 February 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
Certification was very interesting today. I finished my classic tag and most of a body classic tag. Matter of fact I worked an hour today on it. Mostly because I never was able to get the “doAfterBody” method to execute when I return “EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED” from the “doStartTag”. It worked fine when returning “EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE” though it didn’t buffer the body. I added them to TestTen.jsp and here is the source code.
I tried adding static methods to the Mudserver class and everything blew up. I haven’t yet figured out why. Tomorrow’s another day though.
Guitar practice was a lot of fun today. I’m getting sorta decent at the two songs “Skip to My Lou” and “Jamaica Farewell”. I also found that when I played my cheap guitar very softly it sounds pretty cool.
tags: blog - old blog - News