Enhance-athon Day 32
Created: 7 February 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
Well I’ve made up all of my missed time.
I wrote TestTen.jsp to demonstrate the “include style” tags today. It was pretty easy and straightforward without any suprises. One bit I do find odd is that you use “<jsp:doBody>” to display the body of these type of tags. Why would you use a JSP action to handle the body of a “tag”? A classic tag example has almost been completed. I can see why somebody came up with the “SimpleTagSupport” class. Click here to see the source code.
Ruby coding went extremely well today. I tested reflection functionality in Ruby with ReflectionTest.rb. Even more fun I now have a working CommandHandler.rb for the chat server. Ruby made it so easy with its “send” method and its built in ability to explode arrays as parameters for methods.
I spent a large amount of time not tuning the guitar. I’ve tuned it successfully before but this time it was a complete disaster.
tags: blog - old blog - News