Enhance-athon Day 31

Created: 7 February 2007  Modified:

Originally published on chrislynch.info website.

Everything was tagalicious on day 31! More and more about tag libraries. Classic tags come in two different flavors “Tag” and “BodyTag”. Finally finishing the current chapter, my head still swimming from information overload, I declined the end of chapter test. I will be coding some examples from the chapter and then go back and take the test.

My quality time with Ruby consisted of studying reflection and working on how to handle commands for the chat server. Commands for the chat server should be a snap in the Ruby language. I look forward to coding it on day 32.

I find myself surprised at how much energy playing the guitar requires. My guitar is too small for me and I pretty much have to stand for it to be in a good position. I am giving some thought into purchasing a new one.

tags: blog - old blog - News
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