Enhance-athon Day 27

Created: 1 February 2007  Modified:

Originally published on chrislynch.info website.

I finished creating a custom tag and TestNine.jsp to use it. The source code is available in CVS. The next chapter is about custom tags as well. Unbeknownst to me there are three flavors of custom tags. A glorified include system. The easy way of creating custom tags. Which is what I’ve already done. Last there is the difficult way to create tags. The difficult way is the main focus of the new chapter.

I worked on the MudServer.rb and made some minor modifications to User.rb. It is becoming obvious that creating new folders for every day is no longer an efficient way to organize the code. I will be creating a chat server project to house the code. My goal will be to create a chat server and then start another project to create a MUD Server. Any code outside those projects will still go into folders marked by days.

I played along with my new guitar video “Guitar For Dummies”. After the last video I expected it to pretty much suck. It turned out to be surprisingly good. I could recommend it to someone else who is learning to play guitar.

tags: blog - old blog - News
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