Enhance-athon Day 24
Created: 29 January 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
I worked more on Java Standard Template Library (JSTL) today. I used “remove” to take an attribute out of the request object. I added a default error page to the web.xml. I created TestSeven.jsp which throws an exception which gets forwarded to ErrorPage.jsp. They both still need a little work. A problem I’ve run into is that I haven’t figured out how to access the implicit exception object with Expression Language (EL). It was easy enough to do with scriptlets but I haven’t figured out how to do it with EL.
In Ruby I finally figured out how to use threads with sockets today! I was trying to use two “select” calls and both of them blocked. The point of the threads is that they basically perform the same function as the blocking the hard way. Thus I will probably use a different design. I wanted to show it could be done and am happy with the results. Click here to see the code.
Guitar practice consisted of repetitive chord practice. I did add a new chord to my routine. The “A” chord is now one I am practicing. My improvement in the other chords is made visible when a new chord is added. My clumsiness in the new chord contrasts sharply with more familiar chords.
tags: blog - old blog - News