Enhance-athon Day 21
Created: 26 January 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
I expected as my project was farther along that I would be tempted to cut corners. The opposite is turning out to be true. I find myself going over my alotted times trying attain more understanding and skill.
I finished reading the current chapter in my web certification book. The material I covered today described how to make custom Template Library tags. Seems pretty straight forward. I expected it to be a little more arcane. I also took the end of chapter test and bombed it! Good thing I had already planned to code examples of this chapter’s material. So more coding begins tommorrow!
The Ruby experience consisted of research and reading. After re-reading the excellent tutorial from our frends at IBM my understanding was greatly improved. I was trying to force Ruby into the Java mold and it just isn’t a good fit. I also spent some time reading about the “irb” . Irb is an interactive ruby interpreter. A fairly interesting tool for experimenting.
More repetition in guitar practice today. I am becoming more comfortable and the playing is sounding more natural. I’m still slow with my fretting speed.
tags: blog - old blog - News