Enhance-athon Day 19

Created: 24 January 2007  Modified:

Originally published on chrislynch.info website.

The TestFour.jsp referenced in previous posts was not in CVS. I apologize for any convenience.

I worked two JSP files for web component certification today. I modified TestThree.jsp to display parameter values using the “parem” Expression Language (EL) implicit object. I created TestFive.jsp to demonstrate the JSP forward action. Works very smoothly. I thumbed through the book to get an overview of what I’ve studdied so far. I reviewed parts of the current chapter and will be moving on to new material tomorrow. Click here to see the code.

In the world of Ruby I have started coding my server script. It is now accepting connections but it doesn’t broadcast information sent from the client yet. I will probably review a Java book on sockets to give me an idea on what I am doing wrong.

More speed practice on the guitar today. Its repetitive but soothing in its own way.

tags: blog - old blog - News
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