Enhance-athon Day 16 & 17

Created: 23 January 2007  Modified:

Originally published on chrislynch.info website.

Disaster struck yesterday! A hard drive went out on my web server and my site was down for around 16 hours. I apologize to my readers (all three of them … including myself:P). I did perform my regimen. You just didn’t know about it. I have combined day 16 and 17 below.

I completed TestTwo.jsp, TestThree.jsp and TestFour.jsp example pages for certification study. One demonstrated JSP Actions providing default values to JavaBeans. The next page shows JSP Actions populating JavaBean properties from request parameters. TestFour.jsp demonstrates the use of Expression Language (EL). I will be adding quite a bit more to this last page. There are several EL implicit objects that I want to use. Click here to see the source code.

I was sidetracked in reading about Unit Testing and then by reading about sockets. I find myself a little bit rusty when it comes to sockets. I am reading “Programming Ruby” a.k.a. “The Pickaxe”. The book just lightly covers debugging and profiling. More detailed examples would have been great! Hopefully the subject will be revisited. I’m feeling more comfortable with the TCPServer api and am considering making a MUD as a project.

I am seeing some improvement in my fingering speed. I just have to remind myself that this is only the 16th time I’ve practiced with the guitar. I also went over my time practicing tuning my guitar. I’ve a long way to go on that! Luckily my step-son has a tuner he uses for his trombone. I did alright on strings six five and four. I dropped the ball on string 3 and consequently the others.

These updates are now taking up almost all of my writing time. Creating links to my source code is much more time consuming that I would have thought.

tags: blog - old blog - News
   Memory is Fleeting