Enhance-athon Day 14 & 15
Created: 21 January 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
I had to dobule up day 15 to cover day 14. Work interfered with my schedule. Some problems arose with a new application release. What this means is that I had to spend one hour on each subject today! This was nice for the programming. I was able to focus for a longer period on it.
I realized today that it is possible that I have been putting bad links in my posts. I will go back and correct any errors. Another case of intranet vs internet links.
I started working today on an example web application to demonstrate Expression Language (EL) and JSP Actions. The goal is to use a minimalist editor (VI) to edit all of the files from memory as much as possible. Though I was not able to code everything from memory the exercise reinforced the material. It was unfortunate that I spent several minutes debugging the code. I did not make my JavaBean class public and the useBean action could not see it.
Threads, sockets and processes where the topics of the day for Ruby. I wrote two scripts demonstrating thread functionality. I read over sockets and either I’ve forgotten too much about sockets or the classes in Ruby are not intuitive for me. I found a PDF file online that looks like it will have good information. Tommorrow I’ll start working on client and server scripts in Ruby.
What can I say about guitar practice. I practice pretty much the same stuff every day. Any improvement is so slight it is not noticeable. Still, I find some small pleasure in the practice.
In addition to correcting links I will put some helper links on my site. Mostly for myself. I’ve imported all of my PERL Libraries and one of my PERL programs. I have to decide now what to do with the original posts.
tags: blog - old blog - News