Enhance-athon Day 12

Created: 18 January 2007  Modified:

Originally published on chrislynch.info website.

I’m starting to feel constricted by having to perform this two hour regimen everyday. Lets hope tomorrow is better because its pissing me off today!

Certification study continued with more about includes and passing paramters to them. I also read about forwarding and a brief touch on JSTL. I am covering less and remembering less the last couple of days. I don’t know why.

Ruby went fairly well today. I started working on a class I could actually use. It went slow because every time I wanted to do something I had to look it up. It didn’t help that my wife was chatting me up the whole time!

Guitar practice was not as great as I had hoped. I found the new books but they didn’t have the simple but longer songs I was looking for. I did search on the web today for some tablature but didn’t find anything particularly great.

Until next time … be cool

tags: blog - old blog - News
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