Enhance-athon Day 8
Created: 14 January 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
The first week of the Enhance-athon is complete! I’ll give myself a pat on the pack for its completion.
Certification study was once again about JSPs. I took the end of chapter test and scored a bit above 80%. A score very close to all my previous scores. I am finding that I do tend to confuse the ServletConfig and ServletContext. It would have been so much easier if they had named it ApplicationConfig and ServletConfig. I didn’t cover any new material today. When taking the this latest test I was unsure of my answers. After taking the test I reviewd the chapter on JSPs to reinforce some of its material.
In my study of Ruby today I covered assignments, if expressions and case expressions. I noticed that Ruby calls expression expansion what PERL calls string interpolation. I can see many simularieties between Ruby and PERL. The back ticks in both Ruby and PERL will export the expression to the kernel. Regular expressions work very similar in both as well. The Ruby developers purposfully designed Ruby to handle Regular Expressions similar to PERL in addition to its own way of doing it. Another interesting tidbit is that Ruby if and case expressions return values. Assignments also return values which is how a = b = c = 1 works. Each assignment returns a value to be assigned to the next left variable. Parallel assignments were quite interesting as well. a, b, c = 1, 2, 3. Click here for todays code.
I had a bit of a setback in my guitar practice today. I found out that I have been doing my strumming incorrectly. I thought you were supposed to strum all of the strings at once for each chord. Apparently that is not the case. Oh well, I have 92 more days of practice to get it right.
I dont’f feel I have been getting the most that I can out of my half hour of writing. So I am going to add managing content to the allowable activities for the writing half hour. I have dozens of small programs in PERL, Visual Basic and Java that need to be organized and placed in CVS. While I won’t have any time left over tonight in which to begin in the future that organization will be part of the writing process.
tags: blog - old blog - News