Enhance-athon Day 7
Created: 13 January 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
I learned more about JSP pages today. The text had more about directives and the lifecycle of servlets. How to disable scriptlets and a small amount about Expression Language (EL). A significant portion was spent villifying scriptlets and singing the praises of EL. Resistance to EL must be quite common. It is bascially just templating. I’ve never been 100% sold on the idea of EL. On large projects it certainly makes sense to have a system in place seperating the presentation. Thus allowing designers to design and coders to code. Of course with EL both designers and coders have to learn something new. I should be delving more into EL in the next couple of days. Perhaps the text will alleviate my concerns that even EL is to complicated to force on designers.
My foray into Ruby consisted mostly of reading about methods. The main item of interest would be the ability to create methods that will take code blocks. That is very cool and today’s code demonstrates this. I’ve done more reading lately than coding in Ruby and will make an effort to reverse this trend in the coming days.
Guitar practice was more of the same. I originally thought that the music portion of my regimen would be an interesting topic for the daily update. It is turning out to be the least interesting. Just repetitious practice with nothing new to write about.
The daily blog writing seems to be going well. I have a hard time filling out a half hour. I will combat this by spending more time editing. The next day when I read my posts I am finding reasons to cringe. More proofreading is needed to add coherency and flow of the text.
tags: blog - old blog - News