Enhance-athon Day 6

Created: 12 January 2007  Modified:

Originally published on chrislynch.info website.

Certification study was fairly easy. It was all about JSP pages today. Which I have used alot so I was able to go through the material fairly quickly. I did however learn a couple of things. One was that the declarations get compiled into Servlet instance variables and methods. Another was that JSPs have their own comment tags. Much of the rest was terminology describing things that I knew but hadn’t tied together. Such as “implicit objects” and “scriptlets”.

Ruby coding was minimal today. I spent most of the time reading about Regular Expressions. From my coding with Perl I was already familiar with them. It never hurts to review Regualar Expressions since they are (to my mind) a difficult skill. Of course there are some twists and turns specific to Ruby. I did put together a fairly handy script that was in the book.

If you will forgive me the pun I am a little “upbeat” after guitar practice today. I’m beginning to see a glimmer of hope. Some of the noise I made today almost sounded like music. I’m still too slow in my fingering.

Finding something to write about everyday has been harder than I predicted. It doesn’t help that I save it for last. By the time the end of the day rolls around my brain is tired. Well I’ll sign off and try to come up with a more likeable protagonist.

tags: blog - old blog - News
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