Enhance-athon Day 2
Created: 8 January 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
For my web certification i read a chapter that discussed the various types of listeners in J2EE. There are ServletContext, HttpSession and ServletRequst listeners. Listeners for those areas themselves and for their attributes. For the certification it looks like I will have to memorize them all.
In the Ruby world I read and wrote code exploring how Ruby handles Object Orientation. Learned about the “attr_reader” and “attr_writer” which is a handy shortcut for creating reader and writer methods for instance variables. Also touched on inheritance and using “super” to access parent methods. I’m enjoying how easy Ruby is to code in. I’ve programmed in PERL for years and Ruby is so much cleaner and simpler. The way instantiated objects will change function if the class definition is added to still astonishes me!
Guitar practice went well. I remembered the three chords I learned yesterday (G, C, D). I practiced the fingerings and strumming. I learned that Slash Notation is a special notation to help you correctly strum the guitar for particular songs. I’m slow in my fingering still and my strumming is still clumsy. I will say the my fingerings were perhaps a little quicker today.
In addition to this entry I have started some fiction work as well. I will attempt to characterize a protagonist. Once that is complete I plan too create an outline for a novel. Click here to see the document in CVS.
tags: blog - old blog - News