Enhance-athon Day 1
Created: 7 January 2007 Modified:Originally published on chrislynch.info website.
It went pretty well for the first day. I decided I wanted to keep track of all of my code in CVS. I had originally thought that it was all configured and good to go. It was not the case. I had to add several –allow-root startup parameters. In its original setup I chose to have six different repositories. This lead to a desire for an easier way to choose a repository. I wrote a shell script that assists in switching repositories. That took up a few hours this morning.
I finally began my Enahance-athon regimen this afternoon. I had already begun to read my certification book and jumped right into one of the exercises. I created the example code for a context listener. Basically J2EE has listeners that key off certain events. “Context” in J2EE speak means application. So if you have a variable stored at the context level it is stored at the application level.
I read through my ruby book and coded some simple example scripts in the text. Ruby is a very interesting language. I wrote a simple script showing that you can add/overide functionality of a class and it will affect instantiated objects. Pretty cool! I see some potential for self modifying code.
Guitar practice went as well as can be expected. I practiced the G, C and D chords. I remembered them pretty quickly but am still slow and clumsy with the fingerings. My strumming is about the same though I think I am getting the idea. Of all things about the guitar I find strumming to be the most arcane.
The writing went fairly well. As you will agree or disagree after reading this text. I have the temptation to cut the writing short in order to work on getting my code into CVS. Resistance was not futile … but it was a close run thing. It helps that it has taken me longer to write this entry than expected. I will have to re-edit the entry later to add the links to my source code.
Recently I built a linux box to act as a server and source code repository. Using Apache and ViewCVS I was able to create private and public access to the CVS code repositories over the web. Which was a bit of a chore to research creating self-signed certificates for Apache and how to configure Apache to handle http and https connections. Not to mention that setting up CVS was more difficult as well. Until tomorrow.
tags: blog - old blog - News