Enhance-athon - Web Developer

Created: 3 January 2007  Modified:

Originally published on chrislynch.info website.

Inspired by the Enhance-athon article from Wired News I plan to start a regimen for the next 100 days to make myself a better Web Developer. I will spend 30 minutes a day in each of four categories.

  1. I will read and complete the exercises of my Java Web Component Developers book
  2. I will work on the Ruby programming language
  3. I will practice with the guitar
  4. I will write every day

The book I am using for certification is “Head First Servlets & JSP” by Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates. If you haven’t checked out Kathy’s Passionate Users blog you are missing out! I chose to learn some music oriented skills for the mental and physical benefits. I will write every day about my progress and whatever else comes to mind. To accomodate life’s interruptions I will allow myself to double-up to cover days I won’t be able to meet these rules. My Enhance-athon will begin Saturday, January 6th, 2007.

tags: blog - old blog - News
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