Brainstorming Magical Crafting System (Part 12)
Created: 28 May 2016 Modified:Lets explore are new crafting system by walking through the crafting of three items: A Longsword +1, A Potion of Healing, and a Trident +4. Keep in mind that a natural 1 on a crafting check always fails and a natural 20 always give some kind of bonus. A mastercraft item is 10 times its base value. A mastercraft item made of synchronous materials is 100 times its base value.
The Longsword +1 is going to be crafted by a Level 3 Wizard. He is proficient in Arcana and has a 18 intelligence. For materials a standard longsword, 5 platinum pieces and gems worth 50 GP. He must have the Magic Weapon spell. A Longsword +1 has a Rarity of Uncommon. So the base DC Rarity is Uncommon. Our wizard being proficient in Arcana shifts the DC Rarity down to Common. This means that the Wizard needs to a 10 or better to successfully craft the weapon. His intelligence bonus is +4 and his proficiency bonus is +2. A roll of 4 or better is needed craft the weapon. This means there is a 15% chance of losing everything.
A Potion of Healing will be crafted by a Level 1 Cleric. She is NOT proficient in Arcana and has a 14 intelligence. For materials she has a small goat skin, 1 platinum piece and 5gp worth of ingredients. She must have the Cure Wounds or similar spell. A Potion of Healing has a Rarity of Common. This means the base DC Rarity is common. The cleric will need a 10 or better to craft a potion container capable of holding a Potion of Healing. Once successfully created this item can be reused. She will also need a 10 or higher to craft the potion. With a +2 intelligence bonus she will need to roll a minimum of 8 for both craft checks.
The Trident +4 will be crafted by a Level 14 Wizard. The Trident +4 is valued for 100,000 gold pieces. He is proficient in Arcana and has a 18 intelligence. For materials he has a longsword made of adamantine, 1000 platinum pieces and gems worth 10,000gp. He must have the Magic Weapon spell and cast it as a Level 8 spell. A Longsword +4 has a Rarity of Legendary. The longsword is made of adamantine which is synchronous with weapons and armor. This shifts the DC Rarity down to Very Rare. The wizards proficiency in Arcana shifts it further down to Rare. He will need a 20 or better to craft the item. With his intelligence bonus of +4 and proficiency bonus of +5 a roll of 11 or better will be needed to craft the item. Giving approximately a 50% chance of failing to craft the item and losing everything. Note: If he had paid a craftsman 5000 GP to craft a Mastercraft Admantine Sword the DC Rarity would have been brought down to Uncommon. Meaning only a roll of 6 or better would have been needed.
tags: rpg - crafting - brainstorming