Brainstorming Magical Crafting System (Part 10)

Created: 15 May 2016  Modified:

In today’s post I will discuss Xanar’s, “Primer on Objects of Power”. An introductory work on the crafting of magical items.

The crafting of magical objects is achieved by manipulations of the Material Plane and the Magical Plane. These two worlds can only be joined by the knowledge and will of a practitioner of The Art. When casting a spell the practictioner creates a temporary conduit between the two planes and their will is made manifest. To create an indefinite conduit between the two planes requires much more preparation than the casting of a spell.

The presence of beauty and synchronicity smooths the path to the magical plane. Begin by finding the base object you wish to empower. The greater the beauty, the greater the attunement with the Magical Plane. The greater the attunement, the easier it is to link it to the Magical Plane. A sculptured marble statue is closer to the Magical Plane than a plain block of marble. A robe by a master tailor will be more attuned than one made by an average tailor. In some part the beauty of item is related to its materials. Robes made of silk tend to be more beautiful than ones made of burlap. This is not to be confused with synchronicity.

Synchronicity is the alignment of the base material with the desired spell. Armor made of admantium more easily enchants to forces of defense than armor made of steel or cloth. A wand or rod made out of obsidian is more attuned with spells of fire than one made of pine. A robe embroidered with fire giant hair would be more synchronouse than a plain one in the resistance of fire. It is a testament to the Gods that beauty and the magical plane coincide. Imagine if the opposite were true!

Next inscribe the object with a matrix using materials capable of conducting magical energies. The most useful of these materials is platinum. Gold, silver and copper are also capable of conducting these magical energies. However the baser the metal the less efficacious. Using this material, the practictioner, creates a material representation of the spell. This construction is to shape the flow of magic to the desired result. The lay person often refers to these inscriptions as “Runes”.

To complete the work you must then link the matrix to the magical plane. The most common material used to accomplish this is faceted gem stones. The eye of a dragon is another such material. The more perfect the gem stone the more magical energy it is capable of transferring and storing from the magical plane.

Much depends on the skill of the practitioner crafting an object of power. One steeped in knowledge, of The Art, can achieve more than one who has but recently left the guidance of his master. A sage practictioner can create a shield of power out of a common round shield. A novice could fail to imbue a round shield made of umber hulk hide. Proficiency of the practitioner, beauty of the item, synchronicity, inscription material and linking material determines the outcome of the working.

Consult Xanar’s work, “Synchronicity of Materials”, to learn various synchronicities for magical crafting. I have included an excerpt below, in tabular form, for your convenience.

Objects of Power
Object Materials Spells
Broom of Flying Roc Feathers, Gryphon Feathers, Wyvern Hide, Dragon Hide, Pegasus Hide Fly
Wand of Lightning Silver, Copper Lightning, Call Lightning, Witch Bolt
tags: rpg - crafting - brainstorming
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