Brainstorming Magical Crafting System (Part 9)
Created: 28 April 2016 Modified:After discussion with my gaming group it does seem that we need to add a base cost for crafting a magical item. I would like to use this to fit within the rational of magical crafting. My thought is that each magic item would need platinum as a requirement to maintain a stable magical matrix. The more powerful the crafting the greater amount of platinum that is needed to stabilize the magical matrix.
The following chart shows the proposed base costs of crafting a magical item.
Rarity of Item | Armor/Weapons | Wondrous Items | Potions | Scrolls |
Common | 15gp | 10gp | 5gp | 1gp |
Uncommon | 30gp | 20gp | 10gp | 5gp |
Rare | 150gp | 100gp | 50gp | 25gp |
Very Rare | 1500gp | 1000gp | 500gp | 250gp |
Legendary | 15000gp | 10000gp | 5000gp | 2500gp |