Brainstorming Magical Crafting System (Part 8)

Created: 15 March 2016  Modified:

It was brought to my attention that the costs were not high enough when crafting high level magical items. Additionally some concern was expressed about how the DM would control access to ingredients for Historic level items. The general rule being that ingredients for a magical item will be half of its retail valuation.

The trick will be to balance the costs so that the DM can control access to Historic and greater level of items by controlling access to the essence containers needed to gaurantee crafting success. To this end I modified the chart first introduced in part 7.

</table> This should result in being able to use spirit points for low level items while at the same time greatly increasing the cost of using essence to ensure success on Historic and greater level enchantments. Based on the current set of proposed rules an Historic level enchantment requires a Level 8 spell. A wizard gains access to level 8 spells when they reach 15th level. The ideal would a 15th level wizard with 12 intelligence would require an essence container with 100 points to guarantee success of the crafting. For this to be true we will have to greatly reduce the current set of bonuses in the calculator or increase the level of difficulty another factor. A Historic level crafting currently has a dificulty of -125.
Spirit PointsCost per Spirit Point
tags: rpg - crafting - brainstorming
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