Brainstorming Magical Crafting System (Part 7)
Created: 15 March 2016 Modified:I didn’t like having a ratio of 50 gp per point of essence for storage. Still 10 gp per spirit point is to low when we consider Historic level weapons. What is needed is a cost calculation that is asymptotatic for both the spell level and for the storage of spirit essences. I used a similar idea for defining the calculations of the point cost of the attack bonuses for weapons. Today I will be detailing how those calculations are determined.
To determine the level of spell which will be needed to enchant an item we will be using the Fibonacci Sequence. The sequence is determined by going to the right on the number line starting with one. Add the previous two numbers to get the new number. We start with two numbers given to us, zero and one. Zero and one gives us one. One and one gives us two. Two and one gives us three. The table below shows the level of spell needed for the different enchantements.
Echantment | Spell Level |
Trivial(+1) | 1 |
Significant(+2) | 2 |
Noteworthy(+3) | 3 |
Distinguished(+4) | 5 |
Historic(+5) | 8 |
Spirit Points | Cost per Spirit Point |
1-10 | 5gp |
11-20 | 10gp |
21-40 | 25gp |
41-99 | 50gp |
100-200 | 100gp |