Brainstorming Magical Crafting System (Part 6)
Created: 15 February 2016 Modified:After running some calculations and to not allow power levels to skyrocket based solely on crafted magical items I decided to change the formula for magical affects and bonuses. An offensive bonus will now be the bonus raised to the third power times five. For example a +2 sword attack bonus would have a modifier of (2^2) * 5 * -1 or a -20 modifier. This allows relatively easy access to enhanced weapons at the lower end of the spectrum while limiting the upper end. Without this it would only require a 10,000 gp gem and patience to craft a +10 magical weapon.
Bottom line is that this will place low end magical items with multiple affects easily within reach while limiting artifacts of immense power.
After discussion and though we will modify the ritual so that it affects all corpses within a 30 ft radius. Also it looks like we should increase the cost multiple for storing essence from 10 to 50. My reasoning is that a 3rd level dual caster character in our current campaign would be able to create a magical artifact with two Historic attributes for 2,000 gp and time. Raising it to 50 gp per essence point would raise it to 10,000 gp and time. An example weapon would be a +5 to hit sword which does 5d8 Fire damage.
In support of this I have created a utility for calculating magical crafting modifiers.
tags: rpg - crafting - brainstorming