Brainstorming Magical Crafting System (Part 3)
Created: 16 January 2016 Modified:To add the element of chance I think it would be best to base it on a 100 point system tied to a d100 dice roll. This would give plenty of room for failure and a rich set of bonuses and minuses. While inexperienced or impatient crafters might rely on chance it must also be possible through hard work and patience to eliminate almost all chance.
The goal is to roll 100 or greater using d100 dice with your bonuses added and subtracted. All materials used in magic item creation are lost on a failure. Rolling a 01 is an automatic failure. Rolling a 100 results in an enhancement to the magic item to be determined by the DM.
Note: These specific bonuses are specified with D&D 5th Edition in mind. Ability score and skill adjustents would need to be modified base on which system you use.
- You must have a spell of the correct type of a level matching the enchantement category.
- Minor enchantment is cantrip or higher.
- Enhanced enchantment is 1st level spell or higher.
- Major enchantment is 2nd level spell or higher.
- Supreme enchantment is 3rd level spell or higher.
- Legendary enchantment is 4th level spell or higher
- Twice your proficiency bonus
- Add your Wisdom and Intelligence bonus.
- Add twice your Druid, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock class levels.
- Add your Wisdom and Intelligence ability scores.
- Add 20 points if you are proficient in Arcana.
- Add spirit points you have stored in a gem or piece of art.
- Add 15 points if the item is made of admantium.
- Add 10 points if the item is made of mithril.
- Add 5 points if the item is made of silver.
- Add 5 points if the item is made of darksteel.
- Add 15 points if the item is made of Duskwood wood.
- Add 10 points if the item is made of Zalantar wood.
- Add 5 points if the item is made of Shederran wood.
- Add 15 points if the item is made of Dragon Hide.
- Add 10 points if the item is made of Wyvern Hide.
- Add 10 points if the item is made of Umber Hulk Hide.
- Add 5 points if the item is made of Were creature Hide.
- Subtract 10 times the attack bonus of the sword, or defence bonus of armor.
- Subtract 10 points for each minor affect.
- Subtract 20 points for each Enhanced affect.
- Subtract 30 points for each Major Affect.
- Subtract 40 points for each Supreme Affect.
- Subtract 50 points for each Legendary Affect.
- Subtract points for each existing enchantment on an item. Points equalling existing level of enchantment. Multiple new enchantments do not count for this.