Brainstorming Magical Crafting System (Part 2)
Created: 15 January 2016 Modified:To create a flexible magical crafting system we will need a way to categorize magical characteristics and to add an element of chance to the process. Someone who is inexperienced should have a difficult time constructing a powerful magical item while still being able to make some items of usefulness.
Magical abilities should be divided into categories: Trivial, Significant, Noteworthy, Distinguished and Historic. Two Trivial equal a Significant. Two Significant equal a Noteworthy etc.
The opposite side of this coin is that what you are trying to create will add to the difficulty. So a healing potion to close some wounds will add some Trivial difficulty to magically enhancing a water filled container. A healing potion that raises someone from the dead would add a Historic level of difficulty to enhancing an item.
tags: rpg - crafting - brainstorming