Drawing textured cave shapes

Created: 15 March 2011  Modified:

Originally published on chrislynch.info website.

  1. Draw your basic shape using free hand drawing tool. Do not use the clip functionality with multiple shapes.
  2. Set color to black
  3. Filters -> Bevel -> Combined Lighting
  4. Filters -> Distort -> Torn Edges
  5. Filters -> Textures -> Crumpled plastic
  6. If you make an extra copy of the shape from step 1 you can use it to create an outline.

How to add Outlines

  1. Create a new layer called outlines. Below the layer for your shapes but above the background layer.
  2. Copy the shape drawn in step 1 above and paste it into the outline layer. this must be
  3. Position the shape directly behind the shape it was copied from.
  4. Filters -> Distort -> Torn Edges

Hint: If you draw all the shapes ( the whole map) before applying all the filters it will go faster.

tags: blog - old blog - Inkscape - Role Playing Games - Inkscape - Role Playing Games - Inkscape - Role Playing Games - Inkscape - Role Playing Games
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