Create parchment or aged paper.

Created: 15 March 2011  Modified:

Originally published on website.

  1. Set background color to f5e180ff
  2. Set border color to darker color is you want the edges to look discolored.
  3. Filters -> Texture -> Water Color
  4. If pale spots are too bright for your taste add an object behind the main object with color f5e180ff and transparency 50%.
  5. Lower the new object to the bottom.
  6. If you want the edges to appear burnt add a similarly sized object with a f5e180ff background.
  7. Filters -> Texture -> Water Color
  8. Lower object to the bottom
  9. Create a new object with a f5e180ff background slightly larger than the main object.
  10. Filters -> ABCs -> Black Outline
  11. Lower object to the bottom.
tags: blog - old blog - Inkscape - Role Playing Games
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